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Training & Consulting

Training & Consulting Services For Physicians

Cellular Healing was founded on years of research and experience in the field of regenerative medicine. Dr. Loniewski has been actively involved in the field since 2004, and has been a professional consultant to numerous international medical companies such as Biomet/Zimmer, Renovis, Bionicare, Celling Biologics, and Ave Maria Biologics. He has also developed specialized techniques for in-office and intraoperative use of cell based therapies. Coupled with a hands-on clinical background of over 4,000 patient cases, this wealth of experience allows him to help clinicians negotiate the complex field of regenerative medicine and integrate these therapies in an efficient and effective manner.

Many training options exist to help you either jumpstart your regenerative medicine practice or refine your approach. These options include:

  • Site visit. Easily arrange a visit to our patient clinic in Brighton, Michigan. Brighton is a suburb located about 30 minutes from Detroit and about 45 minutes from the Detroit-Metro Airport. In anticipation of our guests, we have arranged discounted hotel rates and will be more than happy to assist you in your stay. A cell-based clinic is typically set up on Thursdays. Guests can choose to visit us for the entire day, a half day, or even a two day stay. The two day stay allows for an optional operative day on Fridays to observe subchondroplasty procedures and the use of stem cell therapy and PRP with surgical cases.
  • Staff, colleague and management education. Cellular Healing staff can set up video conferences with your partners, colleagues, office or operating room staff, and even your management team to discuss the basic ins and outs of cell-based therapies. We review basic mechanisms of actions, indications, contraindications, and who are good candidates for these procedures. During this time, we will also review the current studies proving the safety and efficacy of these procedures. In addition, we may review procedure set up, patient safety, and the entire patient education process. This training can be done at you and your staff’s convenience through video conferencing. Cellular Healing can also provide members of our staff to speak one-on-one with your key management personnel to share their experience with this therapy.
  • Web site design and marketing. Dr. Loniewski co-founded Jointhealing.com in 1999 as one of the first health-based informational and consumer-oriented websites. During the 18 years of this experience, he learned many hard lessons surrounding website design concepts, search engine optimization (SEO), customer funnels, and social media advertising. Many prospective patients will find their medical services through the maze of internet marketing. Dr. Loniewski can help you design a basic medical marketing plan and introduce you to experts specializing in the field of physician marketing.
  • System selection and inventory systems. Dr. Loniewski has been involved with the evolution of many different cell-based systems since 2005, and has either extensively reviewed or personally tested most of the current systems available. This includes both adipose derived and bone marrow concentration devices. Cellular Healing has documented the pros and cons of each system so that you can make an educated decision on what system is the best for your medical practice. Our team can also review the protocols and procedures to help you produce these products yourself with the use a sterile hood and centrifuge.
    Cell-based therapies require the purchase, storage, and distribution of expensive medical products. The loss of just one of these devices can be very expensive, and the embarrassment of not having adequate devices for planned procedures can lead to unhappy customers. With this in mind, we have developed an inventory control system which will help you avoid having too much inventory as well as not enough.
  • Patient outcome set up and management. Our team has set up a very simple method of tracking and recording patient outcomes, and we have ways to streamline this approach and compile the data easily and efficiently. This allows you to share your success with your patients and colleagues; but most importantly, it also allows you to review your outcomes and continually improve services to your patients. Constant review of your outcomes allows you to fine-tune your techniques and protocols and brings you into expert range.
  • Patient education tools. We have developed simple handouts for patients and family members to review and compare so your clients can make an educated decision on their best options. We cover everything from traditional joint replacement, steroid injections and hyaluronic injections to PRP and BMAC., providing peer reviewed references so patients can read the studies themselves and understand you are providing a proven method of treatment. We have also developed a simple arthritis decision document, which allows medical staff to quickly review options and provide patients with ranked selection of what you feel may be the best option(s) for them. These materials allow for a true shared-decision model, which builds trust and confidence in your relationship with the patient.
  • Personal visit and consultation. Our staff would be more than happy to come to your offices and evaluate your current practice set up. During our time together, we can review the physical lay-out of your office, checking for efficient, safe and staff friendly integration of cell based therapies. We can meet with key staff members and discuss how to implement effective change within your practice, as well as calm any fears staff may have about change.

Implementing cell based therapies into your practice doesn’t need to be stressful and complicated! Our goal is to spread the good news of cell-based therapies, and by using our combined experience and knowledge, we can provide you with guidance in setting up, monitoring and continually improving your practice. Please call us at 810-299-8552 to set up an initial consultation.